Microsoft Defender XDR/MDI

Microsoft Defender for Identity (MDI). (1) Deployment

Pepuri 2024. 5. 1. 20:32


2024.04.28 - [Microsoft Defender XDR/MDI] - Microsoft Defender for Identity (MDI). (0) Introduction


아래의 기술자료를 기준으로 진행하겠습니다.

Quick installation guide - Microsoft Defender for Identity | Microsoft Learn


본격적으로 MDI 배포에 대해서 다루겠습니다.

1. MDI Sensor 설치

Microsoft Defender ( →  Settings → Identities


프로비저닝 진행


Sensors →  Add sensor


Access key 복사 Download installer →  설치 진행 (Domain Controller ADFS 에서 진행)






액세스 붙여넣기   설치


설치 진행중




설치 상태 확인


2. Windows 이벤트 수집 구성


기술 자료

Configure audit policies for Windows event logs - Microsoft Defender for Identity | Microsoft Learn


활성화 해야하는 감사 정책 및 수집해야 하는 Event ID는 다음과 같습니다.


Domain Controller gpmc.msc


Computer Configuration   Policies  Windows Settings  Security Settings  Advanced Audit Policy Configuration


Account Logon  Audit Credential Validation  Enable Logging


Account Management


DS Access




3. Configure NTLM auditing (Event ID 8004)

위와 동일하게 Default Domain Contoller 정책에서 수정합니다.

Computer Configuration Policies Windows Settings   Security Settings  Local Policies Security Options


Network security: Restrict NTLM에서 아래의 정책 활성화


4. Configure domain object auditing

ADUC(DSA.msc)  도메인 우클릭 Properties


Security   Advanced


Auditing   Add


Select a principal


Everyone OK


Success,  Descendant User objects 선택


Clear all


Full control


List contents, Read all properties, Read permissions 체크 해제 OK 권한생성 완료


위에서 진행한 것과 같은 방식으로 Descendant Group object, Descendant Computer object, Descendant msDS-GroupManagedServiceAccount Objects, Descendant msDS-ManagedServiceAccount Objects   진행





아래와 같이 추가된 권한 확인


5. Enabling auditing on an ADFS object (ADFS 구성시)

ADUC    도메인    Program Data    Microsoft    ADFS    Properties


Security    Advanced


Auditing     Add


Everyone    This object and all descendant objects


Clear all


Read all properties, Write all properties 체크 OK


추가된 권한 확인 OK


6. Enable auditing on the Configuration container



Configuration 우클릭 Properties


Security   Advanced


Auditing   Add


Everyone This object and all descendant objects


Clear all


Write all properties OK


생성된 권한 확인 OK


7. Create Service Account

Domain Controller에서 다음 PowerShell Script 를 실행 (환경에 맞게 수정해서 진행합니다.

 # Set Variables
$gMSA_HostNames = "DC01", "DC02", "FS01" #, "ADCS02", "ADFS01", "ADFS02"
# Import Active Directory PowerShell module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory -Verbose
# Create the group and add the members
$gMSA_HostsGroup = New-ADGroup -Name $gMSA_HostsGroupName -GroupScope Global -PassThru
$gMSA_HostNames | ForEach-Object { Get-ADComputer -Identity $_ } |
ForEach-Object { Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $gMSA_HostsGroupName -Members $_ }
# Add Key Distribution Service (KDS) before start adding new group Managed Service Accounts
# If you have only one DC, then use this command to create the KDS root key and set start time in the past
Add-KdsRootKey –EffectiveTime ((get-date).addhours(-10))
# If you have multiple DCs, then use the command below to replicate immediately
Add-KdsRootKey -EffectiveImmediately
# Create gMSA
New-ADServiceAccount -Name $gMSA_AccountName `
-DNSHostName "$gMSA_AccountName.$env:USERDNSDOMAIN" `
-PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword $gMSA_HostsGroupName



gMSAGroup 확인


Service Account 확인


 # Clear KDC Cache on each DC
$gMSA_HostNames = “DC01"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $gMSA_HostNames -ScriptBlock {
klist purge -li 0x3e7



DC/ADFS에서 Service Account 설치


Deleted Objects Containers에 필요한 읽기 권한을 부여

 # Declare the identity that you want to add read access to the deleted objects container:
$Identity = 'svc_mdiGMSA'
# If the identity is a gMSA, first to create a group and add the gMSA to it:
$groupName = 'gMSAGroup'
$group = (Get-ADGroup -Identity gMSAGroup).name
# Get the deleted objects container's distinguished name:
$distinguishedName = ([adsi]'').distinguishedName.Value
$deletedObjectsDN = 'CN=Deleted Objects,{0}' -f $distinguishedName
# Take ownership on the deleted objects container:
$params = @("$deletedObjectsDN", '/takeOwnership')
C:\Windows\System32\dsacls.exe $params
# Grant the 'List Contents' and 'Read Property' permissions to the user or group:
$params = @("$deletedObjectsDN", '/G', ('{0}\{1}:LCRP' -f ([adsi]'').name.Value, $Identity))
C:\Windows\System32\dsacls.exe $params
# To remove the permissions, uncomment the next 2 lines and run them instead of the two prior ones:
# $params = @("$deletedObjectsDN", '/R', ('{0}\{1}' -f ([adsi]'').name.Value, $Identity))
# C:\Windows\System32\dsacls.exe $params


다음 그룹 정책에 생성한 서비스 계정 추가


8. Add Service Account

Directory services accounts Add credentials


Group Managed service account 추가


9. Configure ADFS

ADFS 머신에서 Audit 활성화


구성이 완료되면 아래와 같이 Advanced hunting에서 Identity와 관련된 기록이 조회되는 것을 확인할 수 있습니다.


다음 포스팅에서는 MDI에서 어떠한 내용들을 확인할 수 있는지 포스팅하겠습니다.


2024.05.26 - [Microsoft Defender XDR/MDI] - Microsoft Defender for Identity (MDI). (2) Log 분석
