
Exchange Server 2010. Rollup 29 (KB4509410)설치시 Powershell 중지 오류 발생

Pepuri 2019. 12. 14. 18:05

아래와 같이 로그가 남도록 Update 설치 진행

설치 Roll back 진행됨

Powershell 작동중지 오류 발생


문제 서명:

  문제 이벤트 이름:        PowerShell

  NameOfExe:        powershell.exe

  FileVersionOfSystemManagementAutomation:        6.1.7601.18606

  InnermostExceptionType:        System.Management.Automation.PSArgument

  OutermostExceptionType:        System.Management.Automation.PSArgument

  DeepestPowerShellFrame:        ell.ConsoleControl.CheckWriteConsoleOutputContents

  DeepestFrame:        ell.ConsoleControl.CheckWriteConsoleOutputContents

  ThreadName:        Consol.. main thread

  OS 버전:        6.3.9600.

  로캘 ID:        1042


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기본적인 RU Trouble Shooting 아래의 자료에 자세히 나와 있습니다.

Troubleshooting Update Rollup Installations


그중에서 Case1 현재의 오류가 가장 유사하다고 판단되었습니다.

Case 1: An incorrect ExecutionPolicy is Set

In this log file excerpt, Return value 3 appears next to CA_SAVEDATA_STOP_SERVICES.

Microsoft Exchange uses Custom Actions (CAs) when it installs update rollup packages by using the Windows Installer engine. In the CA_SAVEDATA_STOP_SERVICES custom action, Microsoft Exchange tries to run the PowerShell script that is named servicecontrol.ps1 together with the BeforePatch option.

In this case, the script did not run because of an incorrect ExecutionPolicy setting in PowerShell. To determine the current PowerShell execution policy, run the Get-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet. By default, the PowerShell execution policy is set to RemoteSigned.

To resolve this issue, set the ExecutionPolicy to RemoteSigned or to Unrestricted. Then, try to install the update rollup again. After the update rollup has been installed, set the ExecutionPolicy to RemoteSigned.


Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

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